Mili kolegovia,
uz tento piatok privitame na seminari nasej pracovnej skupiny
Igora Sedlara z Ustavu Informatiky Prazskej SAV (predtym FF UK)
s prednaskou:
Propositional dynamic logic with Belnapian truth values
Piatok 13. 5. 10:00 v I-9
Abstrakt: In this talk I discuss a four-valued version of the propositional dy-
namic logic PDL, a well-known logical formalism for reasoning about proper-
ties of programs [4,5]. The four-valued version, BPDL, results from combining
PDL with with the basic four-valued modal logic BK introduced by Odintsov
and Wansing [6]. The basic feature of BPDL is that it builds on a generalised
‘Belnapian’ notion of computer state, one that allows formulas to be both true
and false or neither true nor false in addition to being true or false simpliciter
[1,2,3]. The motivations for studying BPDL are twofold. Firstly, a version of
PDL using the generalised notion of state formalises reasoning about programs
that modify (possibly incomplete and inconsistent) database-like structures.
Such structures abound and a logical formalisation of reasoning about their al-
gorithmic transformations could be of vital importance to AI and related areas.
Secondly, in addition to practical applications, theoretical questions pertain-
ing to the properties of such generalised versions of PDL are interesting in
their own right. We illustrate the first point by using BPDL to express state-
ments about specific default inference rules. The second point is illustrated
by discussing the main technical results concerning BPDL established so far,
namely, a decidability result and a weak completeness theorem.
Radi vas vsetkych privitame!
S pozdravom,
Martin Homola
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